Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I rarely write about my kids here -- mostly books and music -- but the boy is driving me nuts! I know I told him that if you are expecting a ride home from your mother when you work at the same place she does, that it's only polite to show up or at least call and say you're not going to be there for the said ride. I know I told him this. But I spent twenty minutes circling the library today looking for him. He never answers his cell phone (which is another issue -- why have a cell phone if you're not going to use it?) so that's useless. He still hasn't called. Admittedly, the boy isn't really a boy anymore and is probably hanging with friends, but still . . . . Manners, people! And he knows I'm a worrywart; you'd think he'd call just to avoid setting off the worrying.


Dixie said...

I suppose grounding him wouldn't do the trick, huh?

Kathy said...

Nah -- he's 21. If he'd even just called and said, "I won't be there" I would have been fine. But nothing.

nutmeg said...

Well, I hope this situation turned out OK Katya! Just another thing to add to my mental file for future reference!

As to your last post I have seen a number of bloggers listing Bridge to Terabithia in this way - another to add to the TBR pile. And I didn't care much for The Great Gatsby either - I may have been a little too young when I read it - I have recently purchased a copy to see if my opinion changes.

Kathy said...

Thanks, nutmeg. He was at church! They have phones at churches last time I checked. He came in at 9:30 but I spent 4 hours worrying which I wouldn't have done if he'd just called and said, "I won't be going home with you." I guess 21 year olds can still be nuts.