It's Gustav! Right now, it's around Cuba and its got category 4 winds. Who knows what it will be once it reaches the Gulf. And, as with Katrina, my school still has not announced what it will do. I don't know whether to leave now or stay. Oh, and tomorrow is my wedding anniversary.
I'm worried to death about y'all. When I think of what could happen it just makes me feel sick all over. Stay safe and keep us posted when you can so we know you're fine.
Hey, Dix. Right now we're right outside the cone of the storm. Where is your family?
Oh they're way up in northeast Mississippi. They're safe but I imagine some folks fleeing the storm may come up there to find motel rooms.
Keeping you and your family in my prayers. This is such a difficult experience. It seems there are no right answers and the uncertainty is killing me. Hope it stays on course. Not much longer, then we may have to start worrying about Hanna.
Please be safe!
Keeping you in my thoughts. Be safe!
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