Someone's comment on an older post reminded me that I never posted anything about ALA in Chicago -- in JULY! Neil
Gaiman was there as he was the winner of the
Newbery Award for
The Graveyard Book. Yes -- that is my signed copy of it to the left. I, for some stupid reason, did not realize he was going to be there until
Babelbabe told me. And I had no clue he was going to be signing at the exhibits the day I went. My brother-in-law dropped me off early at the convention center (really early -- like 7:00am) and there were people waiting in line. I asked what the line was for and when they told me, I practically
geeked out! I had no
Gaiman works with me at all but the publisher was selling copies of
The Graveyard Book, so I bought it so I'd have something for him to sign. I was something like the 10
th person in a line that turned out to be very long. A woman in front of me must have brought everything
Gaiman ever published for him to sign, including her 10 ton
Absolute Sandman copies -- 4 volumes! I would never have lugged those around; he said he wouldn't have either as they were too heavy. That was the highlight of my Chicago visit.
1 comment:
Neil Gaiman's international bestselling children's novel about a curious young girl who explores her new house and finds herself in a spine-tingling alternate universe.
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