Saturday, November 17, 2007

Point Clear + a Shuffle

Point Clear by Jennifer Paddock: I picked up this novel because it's set right across the bay from me in an absolutely beautiful town. The main character, Caroline, leaves her two jobs in New York to go to Point Clear and work through the writer's block that's plagued her since she left school. She arrives at the Grand Hotel just in time for Hurricane Ivan, and this is the point where the character just irritated me no end. In spite of a mandatory evacuation and the fact that Ivan is a Category 4 hurricane expected to hit right at Point Clear, Caroline decides to hide in the hotel and ride out the storm. How stupid is that! I realize there would have been no story without this decision, but having to realize that took me out of the story and I found that annoying. I like to be able to suspend disbelief for an entire novel, not be in the story, then thrown out and have to work my way back in. After the hurricane, Caroline has a casual meeting with a man on the beach who has also stayed in Point Clear for the storm. He's preparing to go for a swim in a bay still full of debris from the hurricane -- another stupid decision. They exchange greetings and part. Later, he turns up missing and Caroline was the last person to see him. Her struggle to explain in writing what could have happened to him helps Caroline work through some family problems and her writer's block. It also gives the story some focus. The book was a quick read, it was okay -- I didn't hate it, the writing is pretty decent, but I don't think I'll read this again although I will keep it because I love the cover picturing Middle Bay Lighthouse.

Friday Shuffle


sari said...

I like your revuews, thanks!

Kathy said...

I'm glad you do. How's the baby?

Iamthebookworm said...

I love your shuffles! Lots of great songs.